
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 Writer's Goal

Since I spent half the day wearing my sweatpants backwards, I figured I ought to pay more attention as a writer's goal (not so much a new year's resolution).

I finished the galley edits for my 13th novel that will be out in April. It's called A Tendering in the Storm and is the second book in the Change and Cherish series about the life of a woman who came west as the only woman of 9 men sent to find a new site for their Missouri religious colony. I'm working on the third and final book in the series with a current working title of A Mending at the Edge. I've got a few events scheduled that will take me to the Mid-West (Wisconsin) in March and around Oregon before then. Join me if you can!

My schedule and my "monthly memo" is posted at Stay well!

Jane Kirkpatrick

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